This time, the team-up wasn't my idea, but that of Shag Matthews, he of the FirestormFan blog. Today he is writing about the mind-bogglingly detailed wraparound cover to the Crisis on Infinite Earths hardcover, by George Perez and Alex Ross:
Shag thought it'd be fun for each of us (Speedforce, My Greatest Adventure, Idol-Head of Diabolu, Dispatches From The Arrowcave, Being Carter Hall, Plastic Man Platitudes, Mail It To Team-Up, Justice League Detroit, and my own Aquaman Shrine) to all pick the part(s) of the cover/poster that interest us the most and post about them on the same day. So here's where we can find The Phantom Stranger:
I initially wasn't going to include I Am The Phantom Stranger in this blog crossover, since this Crisis hardcover is out of the strict publishing order we've been following here on the blog.
But then I realized, what's something like Time to someone like The Phantom Stranger? And in the end, I wanted the Stranger be included in Shag's own Crisis-like crossover event.
Thanks to Shag Matthews for including me in this multi-blog team-up!
...probably the only time we'll ever see The Phantom Stranger, Doll Man, The White Witch, and the Forever People's Big Bear all in the same shot.
BB: Ho! Welcome, friend! Have you come to partake of the open mic poetry slam?!
TPS: ... *sigh*
Stranger looks great here with his voluminous cloak. I like how in a group shot of 500+, he still manages to look mysterious.
I like Phantom Stranger's placement right next to the Spectre. Very cool. However, Doll Man is sort of wedged in there between Spectre and Phantom Stranger. Weird. Maybe it's to represent how the Phantom Stranger and the Spectre play with men's lives as if they were dolls. ... then again, maybe I'm just reading WAY too much into this. :)
Thanks for joining in on the crossover!
The Irredeemable Shag
can't believe it, a million characters!!
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