Swamp Thing, who by now has fallen in love with Abby (and she with him), sees that Abby's body is not yet begun to decay, leaving him a window in which to possibly retrieve her soul.
Not limited to this mortal coil, Swamp Thing sends his consciousness into another plane of existence, and finds himself in what looks like is the waiting place before one ascends to Heaven.
He meets a woman who has just been killed in a car accident, and along with her also recently-departed son, moves into the bright light just beyond. But Swamp Thing isn't interested in going there--he knows Abby is elsewhere.
Suddenly, he is met by none other than Deadman, who helps Swamp Thing navigate the new world he is in. He then introduces him to...a stranger:

On the way to their destination, Swamp Thing meets...himself, sort of, in the form of Alec Holland, who thanks his erstwhile alter ego for finally freeing him, allowing him to move on. Also there is Linda Holland, but Swamp Thing chooses not to meet her.
As they continue to walk, the air grows cold, and the light begins to dim. Eventually they are in totally darkness, until a light begins to appear: