In what is in the running for the briefest, most cursory appearance by the Phantom Stranger in a comic, see if you can find him here, amid the other faces of the DCU:

...brief as the appearance is (very!), this does bring up an interesting idea: can the Martian Manhunter peer into the Stranger's mind?
Sure, Manhunter is very, very powerful in that regard, but you'd think the Phantom Stranger's magical powers would trump whatever Manhunter can do.
Sure, Manhunter is very, very powerful in that regard, but you'd think the Phantom Stranger's magical powers would trump whatever Manhunter can do.
I agree that the Stranger would trump whatever J'onn could do, but let me offer an alternate possiblity. The Stranger recognized J'onn's "touch" and let him in as he trusts J'onn. Just a thought.
Is it really a Phantom Stranger appearance is he's unidentified, incidental, and miscolored? Ah, heck, while you could justifiably tell yourself that this was just a guy in a hat, we all know that Tom Mandrake was intentionally sneaking the Phantom Stranger (without thinking whether it made sense, and no, it doesn't) into the crowd of faces here, whether the colorist realized it or not.
Then again, J'onn only says he's *attempting* to scan ever mind. I assume that particular attempt failed.
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